
Influence Conference

I've only been blogging for four months now and in the blogging community you get to hear about all of the various conferences and conventions that go on.  Well, there were several that I would have loved to have attended, but for whatever reason I couldn't.  However, keep reading about the Influence Conference, but I had never heard about it, so I immediately got on my MacBook to google them, and this is what I learned.

Why Influence?  All of us have influence and can use it to give hope through the Good News.  For you, this may be it in everyday life or through social media.   Well, not only was I impressed, but I was  inspired to purchase a ticket to attend the conference.   In my quest for finding more information about Influence, I became excited when I saw that the conference was being hosted here in Indianapolis at a local hotel not far from my house, so you know I couldn't pass it up.

Since I don't live far from the hotel, I decided I would drive back and forth to and from the hotel and that's what I have been doing.  I didn't know a soul, but prayed that I would connect with other women there at the conference and I have.  Today, was the first full day of meetings and panels, and  all of them were great and I learned a lot .  I've very glad that I decided to purchased a ticket and stepped out on faith, because so far I have been truly blessed.

Want more Lillies & Silk?  You can find me BloglovinInstagram, and Twitter@lilliesandsilk...Enjoy! 

PS...I'll share more of the conference after it's ended, so stay tuned...



  1. how fun!! you are brave carissa and so glad that you decided to go to Influence!! looking forward to your posts about it! I live in Az and traveling for that is pretty much not possible for me. I've been publicly blogging since january and hope to be able to attend a blog conf someday :) Im a new follower too!

  2. Yes, it was lots of fun, I'm so glad that I decided to go. I hope that can continue to attend more conferences in the near future. Thanks for following.


  3. Hi Carissa, I just came over to your blog after seeing your business card in my stack from Influence and then your blog button on Rags to Stitches blog. :) I think I sat by you on the night of the very first official meeting at Influence. Thanks for being so sweet! :) I will definitely be keeping an eye on your blog. I am a long-time, but very sporadic blogger who is jumping in with both feet and DOING this. My blog is under construction currently so it looks pretty unattended. Hoping to have it all done by the end of the week though.

    Old blog: www.magdarow.blogspot.com
    New blog: www.thepaperarrow.com / www.ohamandaleigh.com

    So glad I got to meet you! :)

  4. Hello Amanda,

    It was nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by. I definitely look forward to keeping with your blog also. I understand, I too have jumped into blogging with both feet also, but I enjoy doing it.

    Take care,

