
Influential Women Link Up

Today I'll be linking up with some of the lovely women from the Influence Network.  Also, I'm so excited to be apart of this network, and I can't wait to get to meet more of you:)

Three Things about Me:

1.  I sing, in high school and college I did most of my singing, but after getting married and starting a family I've stopped, but I miss it.  

2.  Also, I've always wanted to own a pet, but my Mom wouldn't let me have one, so I went online to     Craig's List and found my English Toy Spaniel named Sir, and I've had him for three years now:)  

3.  My husband and I met in college, but didn't start dating until his senior year.  While dating we find  out that his Dad and my Mom were freshmen together in college.  What a small world, right?  

One valuable thing that I've gained from the Network: 

About founding my voice and not being to scared or embarrassed to speak or to even write about what's on my mind.  Also, finding purpose not only with other people, but finding my purpose with God and what He wants me to do.


  1. i like your three things. unfortunately i am not a member of the influence so I can't check the link up :(

    1. Hello!

      Thank you! That's ok, you can join though:) I'm glad that you stopped by and have a great weekend!

      Lillies & Silk

  2. Hi Carissa! I'm from the Influence Network & wanted to stop in & say Hi! Also, I hope you get to sing again. I really think if that's your passion & a gift that you've been blessed with you need to use it!!! -Ash

    1. Hello Ashley!

      Thanks for stopping by:) Yes, you're right I do need to start singing again because I miss it. Have a good evening!

      Lillies & Silk

  3. Stopping by from the Influence Network. Good to "meet you!" And why stop singing?! There's always the shower for that, right? ;)

    1. Hello Amber!

      Thanks you for stopping by. It's a pleasure to meet you also. I know right? There is, but I enjoy singing in the car:) Have a good evening!

      Lillies & Silk

  4. Great seeing you on the linkup, Carissa! I used to sing and haven't since I've become a mom, as well. I really miss it, and look forward to being able to sing again someday. I hope the same for you, too!

    1. Hello!

      Thank you! Really? Yeah, eventually I will start to sing again and I hope you do as well:) Thanks for stopping by and have a good evening.

      Lillies & Silk

  5. Oh I hope you get to start singing more soon!

    1. Hello!

      Me too and I will eventually. I'm glad that you stopped by and have a good evening!

      Lillies & Silk

  6. It's definitely a small world! Love what you've learned from joining the Influence Network. I have definitely felt more empowered and encouraged to use my voice since joining!

  7. I just love love love that your dog's name is Sir! Too cute. And hello, from a fellow Influence gal! I look forward to perusing your blog and learning more about you.
    xoxo J

  8. Fun facts! I also love to sing...but only do it in the shower/car. LOL :) So nice to "meet" you!
